IDF soldiers do receive protective glasses from the military, but not all of them, and often the glasses are uncomfortable for them.
The protective glasses we purchase for them are special, elastic, unbreakable glasses that darken in daylight and remain clear at night.
In that single moment a soldier might switch glasses, an eye injury could occur.
These protective glasses help soldiers safeguard their eyes, preventing unnecessary eye injuries and even blindness.
Since the outbreak of the war, around one hundred soldiers have been injured in their eyes, some of whom have even lost their vision.
The eye injuries are the result of shrapnel, blast impacts, and gunfire, and some of them occurred because the soldiers were not wearing protective glasses.
At the Lirot Association, we have received personal requests from soldiers in the field who have heard about the glasses project and asked for them, demonstrating the need on the ground.
We purchase the glasses in the United States, import them here, and transport them to the field through combat soldiers.
Thanks to your donation, we can purchase glasses for more soldiers and help save the vision of additional people. The cost of each pair of glasses is approximately $100.
Help the fighting soldiers protect their eyes.

– “Hi, I saw that your wonderful organization provides special combat sunglasses. I wanted to know if you also supply these glasses to soldiers stationed in the West Bank, not just Gaza?
We are a team serving in the Ramallah area.
Thank you very much.”
– “Hello, how are you? My name is — I am a soldier stationed on the Lebanon border. I saw that you donate protective glasses to soldiers, and I would love to know if it’s possible to arrange 14 pairs of glasses for me and my team.
Thank you very much, and have a great day.”
– “I received the link to the website of the association you manage, and I saw that you donate protective glasses to soldiers.
The protective glasses (dust glasses) provided to us are not suitable for the field and conditions in which we operate. They scratch easily and interfere with the proper functioning of the operational drivers and my soldiers.
I would like to ask if it’s possible to receive a donation of several protective glasses for my unit?
Thank you in advance, and I greatly appreciate your work and contribution!”