Lirot association run a special campaign each year in December and celebrate the eye health awareness month
A project in collaboration with the Israeli society of ophthalmology ,distributing a special eye health magazine in print and digital to the public.
Ssee below some special reports from the last years:
The eye health awareness month project was postponed this year, due to the war going on in Israel. Eventually, we chose to have it on March 24′ in a limited eddition, hoping to have another regular awareness month in December 24′.
The subject this year was Ophthalmology and AI and even though we are dealing with a difficult situation, we managed to create a lot of content on the subject and here it is for you to see:
On the subject: eye health among children.
In this year we open the “The Eye In Art” art exhibition.
we also had a Creative media campaign as a pro bono service of the TBWA advertising company and funded by the Health Council…
This year we carried out a survey on the frequency of eye doctor checkups,we published the “Guide to Good Vision” yearly magazine, Various public relations in different media, radio, TV, and the internet With pro-bono assistance of ABBVIE corporation,Organizing the third conference for the recruitment of patients afflicted with hereditary retinal diseases, which supports the genetic mapping research.
This year we have chosen to adjust the data concerning Eye health to 3 age groups: 60+, 25-45 and children.
Over a million people were exposed to the campaign.
On the occasion of the Fifth Eye Health Awareness Month, the Lirot Association is
presenting to the public its annual magazine regarding eye health preventive medicine in cooperation with the Israeli Ophthalmology Society.