Lirot Association for health research and blindness prevention in Israel, glad to announce the recent publication of Prof. Belkin research, indicating a decrease of 50 percent in the blindness in Israel during the last decade.The study that was published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology during February 2012 indicates that Israel is one of the most developed states in the world in Ophthalmology
(Click here for the editorial)
The decrease in number of people that had eye disease that cause poor vision and blindness such as AMD, Glaucoma, Cataract and Retinopathy are due to innovate treatments and high availability for treatments and surgeries to all citizens in the country
The research results prove that with regular vision tests most of the poor vision and blindness cases can be prevented.
It is important to emphasize and to bring to the public knowledge that treatments are more effective as they are given in the early stages of the disease.